* input voltage: 8-20 volts
1. Start by removing the platform and roof of the observation car. Follow the link at the bottom of this page for instructions if you're not sure how to do this.
2. Remove the red jewel from the rear socket of the tail light. This is done by gently scraping the glue around the jewel with a sharp object. I used a soldering tool. Hold onto the jewel for future use.
3. Using a 1/8" drill bit, slowly drill out the original rear light housing. Drill at an angle through the car as to come out inside the canopy directly behind the center roof screw pilot hole. This is the most critical step. Proceed with care!
4. From the inside of the newly drilled hole, feed the L.E.D. through the hole to your desired depth. Once you have it in an acceptable location, remove the paper from the sticky pad and press the circuit board onto the roof. Be careful not to snap the L.E.D. leads or cross them. They can withstand minor bending.
5. Drill a second 1/8" hole through the top of the light deflector shield to feed the pig-tail wires through. Once you have the wires fed through attach the red wire to the wire nut with the red wires inside the car and black wire to the wire nut with the black wires inside the car.
6. Carefully reassemble the car. Before reinserting the screws, place the car on the track and apply power. The rear tail light should illuminate. At this point you may choose to super-glue the red jewel to the L.E.D. inside the housing or you can do without it.
7. If the light operates correctly, reinsert the screws under the canopy and reattach the platform. If the light will not operate, check for loose connections insde the car. If the interior lights are also not operating, you many have a problem with the roller pick-ups under the car.
* AC or DC
* DC requires correct polarity
Installation (NOTE: Proceed carefully, permanent damage can occur from a rushed or botched installation!)
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